Autism Connections Fredericton Logo
General Information
What treatments are effective?
Specific Problems
Specific problems about Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Mental health and Counselling
Mental health and counselling professionals in New Brunswick.
L’Autisme: Ressources in Français
L’Autisme: Ressources in Français
Specific Information and Support
Specific information and support on Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Autism courses
Autism courses where you can learn more about ASD.
Associations where you can learn more about ASD.
Learning Resources
Learning resources to learn more about ASD.
Health services
Health services in New Brunswick.
Speech-Language Pathologists
Speech-Language Pathologists in New Brunswick.
Occupational Therapists
Occupational Therapists in New Brunswick.
Pediatricians in New Brunswick.
Psychologists in New Brunswick.
Psychiatrists in New Brunswick.
Intervention Services
Intervention services in New Brunswick.
Local Resources Recommended by Parents
Local resources recommended by parents.
Local Daycares
A list of local daycares.
NB Guidelines and Standards for Students with Diverse Learning Needs
NB Guidelines and Standards for Students with Diverse Learning Needs
Transition to Adulthood & Employment Services
Transition to Adulthood & Employment Services.
Support agencies & organizations
Support agencies & organizations
Financial Programs
A list of financial programs.
Financial Assistance from the Government of Canada
Financial Assistance from the Government of Canada
Financial Assistance from the Province of New Brunswick
Financial Assistance from the Province of New Brunswick
Military family support
Supports for military families.
Where to find safety supports.
Legal Education and Information
Legal Education and Information
Stories & Blogs
Stories & Blogs
Blogues en Français
French blogs focused on autism spectrum disorder. / Blogues en français concentrés sur les troubles de spectre autistique.
Residences in the province on New Brunswick that specialize in housing individuals, including those with autism spectrum disorder.
General Resources
Interest-based and leisure resources for individuals with autism spectrum disorder.
Local Resources
Local interest-based and leisure activities and resources for individuals with autism spectrum disorder.
Intervention Materials
Resource information for various evidence-based interventions.
Matériel d’Intervention: Ressources en Français
Informations sur les ressources pour diverses interventions fondées sur des données probantes.
Assistive apps for individuals with or without autism spectrum disorder.
Applications: Ressources en Français
Assistive apps in for individuals with or without autism spectrum disorder who are fluent in French. 
Reading Resources
Literary resources for autism spectrum disorder.
COVID-19 Resources
Informational resources for individuals with disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder, relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Autism Connections Fredericton, 2022
Website funded by The Windsor Foundation